Nielsen gallery & framing


Sherry has been painting and doing other creative stuff as long as she can remember. Her Grandma taught her how to knit when she was five and was knitting sweaters with patterns by age eleven. Along the way Sherry fell in love with creating with lots of different mediums, which landed her in Red Deer College for a year of Art & Design.

For fun Sherry plays piano & guitar. Music and Art she finds go hand in hand.

Nielsen is thankful to God who is the one who gives to us our abilities and gifting. She believes that being thankful will also breathe upon that which is already there.

Nielsen Gallery has been in the picture framing business now for 23 years. Most of the time she has operated out of her home, but is enjoying having a framing, art gallery & gift shop at 115, 4716 Lazelle Ave.


project samples


about sherry nielsen